Category Archives: challenges.

Day 33 Potter Challenge.

What character would you have liked to learn more about?

In all honestly Helga Hufflepuff. She is special and holds a special place in my heart. I would’ve loved to have known more about the history of Hogwarts and all the founders. That would be cool. But i dont know where JK would’ve placed that in the books either. Maybe a spin off book?

Day 32 Potter Challenge.

If I could change anything about the plot or include anything in the films what would I change?!

So I’m not going to go into detail with this one because I’m on the last book and it’s pointless changing anything when I do not know the ending yet.

But something I wish they did include was the farewell between Harry and the Dursley, that one did make me slightly emotional. And I feel the people who have watched the films and not read the books could have benefitted from seeing that. It was lovely….  But that’s where I will leave it because I want to give a detailed blog for this one and I want to know all the information. ❤

Harry Potter And The Half Blood Prince.

SO SO SO my dearies firstly I am so sorry u have been away attending business at the burrow, it’s crazy here at present time. But i hope to be back on more regularly.

Secondly I’m a bit upset to see someone has been copying my posts and giving credit elsewhere… Come on people share the love, it’s the only thing that can defeat Lord Voldermort.

Anyway back to the book, I’ve finished… Whaaaat a book and I must say out of all the potter films this one was the most disappointing… I couldnt put the book down.. It was just so amazing. Dumbledore’s funeral was beautiful and I’m not afraid to say I did have a painful lump in my throat and tears racing down my cheeks. So captivating and beautiful.

I will write some more soon and will be  United once more. Peace and Love. ❤❤

Day 31 Potter Challenge. ❤

How did you come by Harry Potter and fall in love with it?

So I grew up relatively poor, we never had the money to have anything or treats but my parents did try and take us to the cinema when ever they could afford it. We seen this film in cinema and my mum is a sucker for magic. She literally cries at anything magical. And we all fell in love with the movie, every year my parents made sure we could go and see the next movies. And it became a family thing. Then this year I came across the whole book collection in a Bootsale for £5 and decided I was ready to face my fears and read… Reading has always been a downfall because I read slow and I’m very self conscious, but I was ready and I’m not as slow as I originally thought. I’m on the half blood Prince and I’m finding I want to slow down because I’m won’t know what to do with myself.

Day 30 Potter challenge.

Favourite quotes.


So this is my number one favourite, I am Helga Hufflepuff, I want to go into education and in all of my placements I have never segregated any children based on ability or disability. They are all the same they all need the same care and attention. Inclusion is the beat thing for children is you put a less able child with a capable child, the less able with strive and do things you may never have seen before because they do NOT want that label. Never judge a child based on ability while they are still developing, because they will never show you what they are fully capable of.


Again… Abilities… I don’t even need to say why I love this.


Everyone has good and bad… Everyone makes mistakes, we should never dwell on that, we need to remember were all human cut anyone of any colour and we all bleed red. Never judge someone based on a mistake.


I have done stupid things based on fear, my anxiety speaks ALOT for that too. But i say terrible things when I am scared, makes no sense really but very true. We should always find out the big picture before judging.


Story of my life. ❤❤

Day 29 Potter Challenge.

Favourite magical creature. Why?

So firstly I HAVE to say the Welsh green, dragon, I must say this because it is native to my OWN country. I am very patriotic very proud of where I’m from. This dragon attempts to avoid human contact and breeds on small animals like sheep, which I can promise we have plenty of, it’s very placid and timid for a dragon. It’s ROAR is almost musical which suits it’s native land perfectly as we are known as the singing nation.


I also love the bowtruckle how fussy they are over certain trees, which helps the Wizard choose what tree’s are best for wand making. I just love how they look like twigs.


Allergic to E challenge.

I was nominated by the amazing and unique that weird brown girl to take part in this challenge. So thank you and let the games begin. 

So the rules are simple.. You have to write a paragraph that does not contain the letter ‘E’.

The Rules Are:

Write a whole paragraph ( a paragraph sounds easy right?) without any word containing the letter “e” (still easy for ya?)
By reading this you are already signed up.
Challenge at least five bloggers to do the challenge. They must do it within 24 hours or it is considered as failure.
If you fail, suffer in the Hall of Noobs.
If you win, wallow in the Hall of We.
You will receive a pingback to your post to know if you have passed or failed.
To make it easy for the above mentioned dude to keep track, link your post back to=> That Weird Brown girl.

So here’s mine…

It was a dark humid night, no lights a lit, nobody in sight, just a small bright light against our dark sky. This light was a pink light, it just swung back and forth changing colour, now it was gold, indigo, pink again. What is this thing… Was it watching us.. Who knows..

Not bad but oh my.. that was hard!!!

I nominate:

Alpha Buddha.
Lisa Tiller
Bohemian’s Mind.